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Courageous Caring

Leadership skills of the future fall into what some people might call “soft” leadership skills. This is far from accurate. The skills that everyone is searching for, in fact, fall into the category of what I call leadership “power skills” – some of the most powerful traits children can learn to thrive in the future. These dynamic new leadership skills hold the power to create meaningful change in people’s lives and in society as well:

  1. Envisioning

  2. Nurturing

  3. Connecting

  4. Creating

  5. Empowering,

  6. Caring

  7. Building

  8. Reconciling

I call these leadership skills “The Power 8,” the new leadership skills of the future. These compelling leader qualities are far from soft traits in today’s society. These new skills are becoming the most powerful of leadership skills because they empower people, impact circumstances, and change societies. Caring is a vital dimension of the Power 8 leadership qualities of the future. We are called to help take responsibility and act on the caring quality of another person, which changes the entire dynamic of a culture of caring.

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." – Dale Carnegie

According to Butler University, some of the qualities they believe stand out in caring/ servant leaders are:

  • The concern for others before self

  • The ability to listen well

  • The ability to empathize with others

  • Commitment to the growth of people

  • Building community

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear and an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn life around.” – Leo Buscaglia

Excerpt from Forbes Magazine, author Louis Efron:

Robert Greenleaf, the renowned leadership development expert and father of the term “servant leadership” felt the heart of the concept is captured in the assertion “My success is your success.” He went on to say that “Servant-leaders differ from other persons of good will because they act on what they believe.” To excel as a servant-leader, Greenleaf outlined “10 Leadership Characteristics” in the field of caring leadership:

1. Listening: a deep commitment to honestly listen to others

2. Empathy: a striving to understand and empathize with others

3. Healing: the potential for healing one’s self and one’s relationship to others

4. Awareness: a keen awareness of their surroundings and self

5. Persuasion: an ability to convince others and build consensus

6. Conceptualization: the ability to think short and long-term and pursue “impossible” dreams

7. Foresight: a drive to reflect on the lessons of the past, embrace the realities of the present, and envision the likely consequences of a decision for the future

8. Stewardship: a sincere and emotional commitment to care for things important to others

9. Commitment to the growth of people: a focus on helping others become better people – professionally and personally

10. Building community: the ability to pull people together for a greater good

In life, the more you serve others the more success and fulfillment you will enjoy. It is a basic truth of humanity. The same holds true for leadership.

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