Little Miss History Leads the Way

“If you don't know your history, you don't know what you're talking about.” Huh? Who is this character and what is she attempting to achieve?
Little Miss History is a geeky tomboy who dresses like a wannabe park ranger. She wears hiking boots that are three sizes too big and wears giant rose-colored glasses. Why? Little Miss History is a cartoon-like version of a younger me. The boots are way too large to honor my army dad who had huge feet. The rose-colored glasses remind me to look on the bright side of life, no matter how tough things might be. Little Miss History is a curious, intrepid traveler who is willing to launch herself back into the past to investigate historic personages and monuments in an effort to inform and entertain her readers. Her objective is to reveal history not only as valuable knowledge, but also as a tool to immerse the reader to explore and experience actual sites where important events took place. Her audience includes family members of all ages—moms, dads, grandparents, and children.
Little Miss History exemplifies the qualities of leadership. She is intelligent and bears an insatiable curiosity. In every one of her adventures, she puts forth a vision and develops a plan, always taking care to incorporate diverse viewpoints and methods to achieve her goals. She assists her readers to focus on issues, while communicating to them a willingness to listen to their opinions on how to solve the pressing problems presented to them. Her passion is shared in her words which encourage the reader to take on old or new challenges, and she inspires them to find solutions as a member of her team. She asks questions like: “How do we respect the rights of Native Americans at Mount Rushmore?” “Should George Washington have acted on his personal beliefs concerning slavery.?” Leaders in the past and present are decision makers who use their communication skills, along with their passion, to get involved in controversial issues. But before they could do that, those leaders studied and learned about their own personalities through experience, and then attempted to practice how to use those traits to garner the self-discipline necessary in an effort lead their followers to shape history with a desired outcome.
Reading the words is not always enough. Few of us would not find comfort in F.D.R.'s words, “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” Abraham Lincoln expressed himself simply and clearly like few others could when he said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Little Miss History clearly communicates with her readers by encouraging them to use all of their senses. They hear the boom of dynamite while Mount Rushmore is being carved, ride the rapids in Sequoia National Park, and scale the Statue of Liberty hand over hand on a rope. Readers view the photographs of immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in native costumes, and feel the pain of those turned away. Portraits of heroes like George Washington and villains like John Wilkes Booth imbue the stories with realism.
Little Miss HISTORY'S fervent hope is that her readers will create their own story. By setting an example of how to be a leader and traveling to the past portraying examples of those who have succeeded or failed, she desires to inspire readers to incorporate the qualities of leadership necessary to succeed in the modern world. In the words of Marilyn Monroe, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”
To learn more about Little Miss History and her travel adventures: