Leaders are World Changers

Excerpts from The Big Little Book on Destiny
Leaders are givers, not takers
Leaders turn followers into leaders
A leader knows how to follow
Real leaders share the harvest with followers
The best leaders are servants
Leaders act beyond their own self interest
Leaders are dream weavers
If you give them a destination,
Leaders will create a map to arrive there first
Leaders are flexible
They stretch their imagination
and other people's too
Leaders think differently . . .
They think YES, not no; CHANGE,
not status quo
Leaders are people-growers
They lead by example
They turn adversity into advantage
Leaders are amazing hurdle jumpers
A leader understands conflict and
turns it into something good
Leaders are often misunderstood
They speak a different language
Leaders have boundless energy
They run when others walk
Leaders take time to be alone . . .
Solitude renews energy