Leadership Tips Poster
Leadership Tips Poster
Top 10 Tips on Leadership
Talk with your kids about the top 10 leadership traits and why they are important in life
Discuss the meaning of inner-leader strength? Why and how could your child develop inner leadership strength?
Discuss each leadership quality and identify these traits in family and friends
Select one leader quality a day and discover this quality in your child
Affirm how your children can be positive role models by applying their unique leadership qualities in the community

Building Blocks for Leaders Card Deck
Building Blocks for Leaders
A fun and challenging game of 50 cards to empower kids with the “language of leadership”
Develops social interaction skills with others
Each card names a leadership quality so kids can identify with each trait to reach their full potential
Releases undiscovered leadership qualities in kids

Growing the Leader in You Book
Basic concepts about the meaning of leadership and people who lead
Inspires a child to learn about how leadership can be learned
Motivates curiosity about the world and how a child fits into it
Nurtures leader skill-building and character traits in the young

A-Z Leader Alphabook
Learn an alphabet for leaders! A is for ACTION, B is for BELIEVE, and C is for CHANGE-MAKER – all the way to letter Z!
Talk with your child about alphabet letters and leadership language at the same time using words that rhyme. You can even create your own leadership words using the letters of the alphabet
O stands for OPTIMISM, and it is an art. Optimism grows from inspiration deep in your heart.”
Have fun with your kids and create some of your own rhymes
The Big Little Book on Destiny
Short imagination book to spark the leader in your child. What is the book saying to kids? What does the word destiny mean?
Listen to your children and talk about life lessons that can be learned from leaders
Talk together about what a leader does, how a leader acts, and have a conversation about leader traits you see in your child
Can your children identify their own strengths and leadership traits?
Describe your child’s strengths and leader qualities. Every child has a gift to contribute to the world

L Building Blocks For Leaders Book
Read about all of the building blocks that will help your child become a future leader
Have your kids identify several of their leadership skills that will help them change the world for the better
Identify the top 20 leader skills in your children
Talk about why these growth skills will help your child thrive
Leadership Growth Chart
Develops a new vocabulary while learning leadership values
Helps a child to understand what leadership is and traits of leaders
Inspires a child to measure his/her strengths and gifts
Presents easy tools and tips on how to become a leader

7 Everyday LEADER Posters (Set)
Every day leaders are role models from the arts, business, education, music, sports,
entrepreneurship, and peace-making who provide their own quotes on what leadership
is about.
Jacque D’Amboise - dancer
Lorena Ochoa - golfer
Geoffrey Canada - educator
Matt Savage – composer and jazz artist
Rina Amiri – peace-maker
Mary Lou Jepsen – entrepreneur
Boy Scouts

8 Motivational Tools & Tips Posters (Set)
All posters include inspirational words and concepts to enhance your child's understanding of leadership values and what leadership is about
Top 10 Tips on Leadership
COOL RULES: 14 to Live By
Leading Is …
21 Ways to Raise a Caring Leader
Creativity Clips
Day Starters
Parent Punch List
STOP Bullying

iLeader Card Deck
Look at all of the “i” words and how they bring out “I” leadership traits
Read one card a day with your child and talk about the meaning of leadership
Have your child fill out the back of the iBox with their own leader qualities using an erasable marker
Play a game with the cards and point out each other’s“i” leader skills
22 Easy Ways 2 Lead
Use as a game and talk about the 22 leader qualities on the cards. Empowering a child to find their unique leadership traits will give them more confidence and strength
Ask your child to express their thoughts about leader skills mentioned on the cards. Have your child identify their own leader traits that match some of the 22 leadership qualities on the cards
Encourage your children to write their thoughts on the back of the cards with an erasable marker
Help kids think aloud and open up about leadership skills and why these qualities make a positive difference in life and in the community
Word Puzzles: (Set of 4)
Maze puzzle, word search, sudokus, and code puzzle
Develops problem solving skills while having fun
Increases logic building abilities and word building capacities
Challenges a child to think about new ways to solve problems Enhances solution-building to questions

Leader traits begin to emerge in children between ages 6 and 10
Discovery of a child’s God-given potential
Gives children a better start in life
Fun tools for children & families to inspire leader skill-building early in life
Integrates the new brain science which shapes the way children learn –
Language, Reasoning, Emotions, Insight, Rational thinking, Problem solving,
Moral values, Good judgment, Spiritual development
Instills child development principles with values-based products
Encourages positive feedback, the #1 motivator of kids
Enriches a child’s understanding of their gifts, talents & potential
Leadership empowerment stimulates innovation
Nurtures leader skill-building
Enhances a child’s well-being
Engages kids when their brains are hungry for stimulation
Reaches kids at a time when they are hungry for acceptance & belonging
Helps children learn to resolve conflict and deal with bullying
Empowers kids to “thrive” in the real world
Provides products that are “evergreen” and never grow old
Helps kids learn basic values – honesty, respect, responsibility & more
Nurtures crucial character traits – self control, commitment, perseverance
Enables children to become wise decision makers