COOL CATS includes over 30 products, including books, motivational posters, every day leader posters, card decks, cool tools, games and puzzles, and parent tools and tips. We offer a boxed Master Leadership Kit, which includes all of the materials listed above, and a parent and teacher product user guide.
We are in the process of developing the products into apps, digital products and games. Our products show kids what leaders do, how leaders take action, and how to apply genuine leadership in the real world.
We believe that kids want honesty, straight talk on real issues, an open door to communication, social and emotional skills to navigate life, how-to’s on making good choices and decisions, and positive role models. COOL CATS products help children meet these needs.
Develops problem solving skills
Challenges a child to think about new ways to solve problems
Increases logic building abilities
Enhances solution-building to questions
Puzzle creator: Evelyn B. Christensen
Develops a new vocabulary while learning leadership values
Helps a child to understand what leadership means
Inspires a child to measure his/her strengths and gifts
Motivates a child to be curious about new leadership words and meanings
A fun way to play a game of leadership words and concepts
Develops social interaction skills with others
Offers a variety of ways to play a leadership game
Enlivens a child’s thinking about the world
Inspires children to learn about creativity and how it can be nurtured
Motivates curiosity about the world and how a child fits into it
Enhances self-understanding and creativity in a child
Enables leader skill-building and positive character traits
Graphic designer: Sarah Snow