The Best Leaders Are Those Who Communicate
Communication is the key to understanding people and ideas. Communication involves listening to understand, speaking clearly and...

Three Qualities of a Leader
Leadership is a skill essential for success and lifelong prosperity, which must be cultivated at a young age. Huge conglomerates and...

For Our Family
We need to love Just love Love for a moment Before you get to old When you have no time. We need to listen Just listen Listen for a...

12 Little Ways 2 Encourage Curiosity
Model what curiosity means to children by asking questions that dig deeper. Shout, “Let’s go exploring!” Take your child to new places...

Perseverance in Leadership
Matthew Johnson, interview with KFIA 710 radio host What is leadership to you? To me, leadership is taking the role of doing something...

Leading with Friendship
Think of the person whom you most admired, as a child. Were they brave or intelligent or exciting? Whatever reason it was that made...

Finding Your Path
When we think of leadership, we think of the ability to lead a group of people, bringing them together, facing the impossible. What if...

Thoughts on the Future of Leadership
If we start with the definition that the highest form of leadership is the transformation of ourselves and our society to its better self...

12 Little Ways to Conquer Conflict Resolution
”Raise your thoughts, not your fists.” - Matshona Dhliwayo First, calm down and consider the situation and those involved. Discuss how...

12 Little Ways 2 Enrich Empathy
I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization. – Roger Ebert Become sensitive to each child’s feelings of worth and...