Little Miss History Leads the Way
“If you don't know your history, you don't know what you're talking about.” Huh? Who is this character and what is she attempting to...

Dynamic Leadership Qualities to Reach For in Life
I have been thinking about my favorite topic, leadership, and how I envision leaders moving forward to change the world in the years...

How to Become a Great Leader
Leadership is a skill essential for success, and everyone has the potential to become a great leader. Many believe that if they are not...

One Leader I Know
One person I know who is a really a good leader is Ms. Michelle. She is the Children’s Ministry leader at our church. Ms. Michelle helps...

The Right Perspective - Part 3
Many parents these days do not teach their children about faith. They let their children decide which religion they want to embrace;...

The Right Perspective - Part 2
A parent is an important figure in a child's mind— knowledgeable, powerful. If a child considers his or her parent to be incapable of...

The Right Perspective - Part 1
When I was eight, a friend a year older than I, disclosed to me her knowledge about the conception of human life. No one had ever talked...

Lead With the Truth
What you don’t teach your children, they will learn elsewhere. Sometimes, the things that are considered impolite table talk, such as...

Lead with Wisdom
Solomon became king of Israel at a very young age. God asked him what he wanted most. He didn't ask for riches or victory over his...

Leaders are World Changers
Excerpts from The Big Little Book on Destiny Leaders are givers, not takers Leaders turn followers into leaders A leader knows how to...