"Entertaining and most of all great tools for learning (without making it boring and mandatory to learn these wonderful traits). I feel they are engaging page turners! I could hardly wait to see what was coming next."
Marty Papagini, Office manager, Parent & grandparent, CA
Judith Addington created and wrote COOL CATS Super Leadership 4 Kids® to encourage and inspire kids with fun and practical tools and materials to release this inner-strength, which in turn empowers the inner-leader in an individual – the highest form of genuine leadership. Once children understand their identity and are aware of their unique abilities and possibilities in their lives, then only will they begin to thrive and flourish in life. We hope to learn from parents and kids about what their needs are, and we are open to creating new tools as we go along.
Judith received a B.S. in Child Development from Iowa State University, an M.S. in Urban Planning/Community Development from the University of Colorado, School of Architecture, with additional studies in special education and psychology from Denver University.
She is a leadership practitioner, who applies sound leadership principles to the real world. Previously, she created and produced cutting-edge leadership conferences for major corporations in New York City, worked for HHS Office of Child Development to create new child care programs in six states, partnered with Prudential’s Office of Innovation to create original leadership programs, consulted for Bayer on best-practice leadership, and trained inner-city child care workers on how to be a leader in the classroom. She has written curriculum on social & emotional development in children and was project director and catalyst for the Institute of Urban Studies in Denver. She was also selected to be on the team to take part in “Women and Democracy at the Dawn of the New Millennium,” a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland in collaboration with the President’s Interagency Council on Women, Washington, D.C. to discuss leadership issues and answers.
Judith is a starter, builder, and leadership catalyst. She has worked as a writer, product developer, trainer, researcher, teacher, community developer, child development consultant, tutor and mentor. COOL CATS is the culmination of all of her research, studies and work in the field of life and leadership.

The COOL CATS team, including advisors, is highly seasoned and skilled in early childhood development, brain development, cutting-edge interactive media and online game design, research, high-risk issues, leader skill-building, award winning graphic design and illustration, award winning television production, social media, and COOL CATS Friends and Advisors from education, business, the arts, health, science, medicine, parents, publishing, family and child counselors, and entrepreneurs who believe in the COOL CATS vision and have offered statements and quotes to support their beliefs.
We believe every child can become a leader! We reach kids world-wide with encouraging and quality products on leader skill-building to inspire a child’s highest potential – often undiscovered and untapped. COOL CATS products focus on nurturing positive mental health and optimal well-being, while communicating striking insights to growing inner-leader strength and simple leader skills as a child journeys toward developing his/her unique leadership potential.
Neuroscience tells us this is a pivotal time when a child’s brain shapes the way he/she learns in the areas of language, rational thinking, reasoning, problem solving, judgment, emotions, insight, spiritual meaning, and moral values.
COOL CATS nurtures children with leader skill-building tools to help them become trailblazers and world-changers, responsible citizens, friends, parents, contributors to society, and consumers early enough in life to shape life-long habits based on solid leadership principles, good judgment and thoughtful decision-making.
By strengthening a child’s capacity to understand the wisdom of leadership at a young age — life and work skills, empathy, and caring qualities, relationship building, coping mechanisms, innovation, creativity and conflict resolution skills in everyday lives — can positively impact lives so kids can better grow and thrive in today’s world.
COOL CATS is a values-based business culture exhibiting the following leadership values, which guide how we treat each other – with care & compassion; we also value children, laughter, joy, fun and play!
Open communication
Conflict resolution
"I believe it is important to communicate leader values during these developmental stages since the 7-12 ages are when children are searching and open to these concepts. It is advantageous to have this positive influence prior to more brain changes and rewiring occurring during the adolescent years."
Deborah McNelis, Early Childhood brain specialist, professional trainer & coach, WI
"COOL CATS’ vision is powerful, because it’s all about influencing the next generation of
leaders. With an increasingly complex world, setting up the next generation of leaders for
great leadership is a pretty smart strategy.”"
Anthony Bell - CEO/President, LEADER DEVELOPMENT Inc., S.C.
COOL CATS intends to create a better world, a more knowledgeable parent, and a whole and more loving child. Most potential in children is untapped and undiscovered, and COOL CATS nurtures that genuine potential. Sparking this underlying potential so kids can lead from their strengths, gifts and talents can often make children healthier, happier, more creative and productive.. Understanding a little more about how a child’s brain develops allows parents to help children cultivate emotional and social skills. Children are our future trailblazers and world-changers, so it's critical that we inspire and challenge the young to grow into empowered leaders and encourage them to become who they are meant to be.
Project Peanut Butter (PPB) seeks to advance the treatment of severe acute malnutrition, the single largest cause of child death in the world today, using effective, locally produced ready-to-use therapeutic foods. To learn more, please visit their website at ProjectPeanutButter.org.